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BIN 655482 Card number example 6554822218070112 Brand name DiscoverCredit Country United States Length N/A Issuing bank Bank Of America Issuing City N/A Bank website Phone number (314) 466-6117 BIN 644622 Card number example 6446222210014584 Brand name DiscoverCredit Country United States Length N/A Issuing bank Bank Of America Issuing City N/A Bank website Phone number (314) 466-6117 BIN 650751 Card number example 6507518735529030 Brand name DiscoverCredit Country United States Length N/A Issuing bank Bank Of America Issuing City N/A Bank website Phone number (314) 466-6117 BIN 658964 Card number example 6589643171302204 Brand name DiscoverCredit Country United States Length N/A Issuing bank Bank Of America Issuing City N/A Bank website Phone number (314) 466-6117 BIN 647267 Card number example 6472670211543554 Brand name DiscoverCredit Country United States Length N/A Issuing bank Bank Of America Issuing City N/A Bank website Phone number (314) 466-6117 BIN 653379 Card number example 6533794002976430 Brand name DiscoverCredit Country United States Length N/A Issuing bank Bank Of America Issuing City N/A Bank website Phone number (314) 466-6117 BIN 658012 Card number example 6580129442759892 Brand name DiscoverCredit Country United States Length N/A Issuing bank Bank Of America Issuing City N/A Bank website Phone number (314) 466-6117 BIN 60117762 Card number example 6011776291102415 Brand name DiscoverCredit Country United States Length N/A Issuing bank Bank Of America Issuing City N/A Bank website Phone number (314) 466-6117 BIN 654803 Card number example 6548033056510610 Brand name DiscoverCredit Country United States Length N/A Issuing bank Bank Of America Issuing City N/A Bank website Phone number (314) 466-6117 BIN 648234 Card number example 6482343599029475 Brand name DiscoverCredit Country United States Length N/A Issuing bank Bank Of America Issuing City N/A Bank website Phone number (314) 466-6117
About BIN Generator
The BIN (short for bank identification number) consists of the first six digits of a credit card number. It indicates the bank that has issued the card. It is also commonly referred to as the “issuer identification number” (IIN), since banks aren’t the only institutions that issue credit cards. These identify the card issuing institution that issued the card to the card holder. The rest of the number is allocated by the card issuer. The card number's length is its number of digits. Many card issuers print the entire IIN and account number on their card. Through the BIN number, I can know this credit card (maybe gift cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, and electronic benefit cards.)
We have a very powerful database that collects countless details of BIN numbers, including the BIN codes of various banks in all countries of the world. You can use the generator above to select the country and the type of card. For convenience, the card The types only list credit and debit cards.