[Fashion fact 1] Earmuffs were invented by a 15-year-old.
[Fashion fact 2] Surgical masks in Japan are not only used to prevent sickness but are used for fashion, warmth, and sometimes avoiding conversation with strangers.
[Fashion fact 3] The Can-Can was a particularly scandalous dance in the 19th century because women wore pantalettes, which had an open crotch, and the high kicks were intentionally revealing.
[Fashion fact 4] A groom named Jason Anderson forgot his wedding pants in the dressing room of a Minnesota clothier and flew to Costa Rica for his wedding. The clothier sent his daughter on an 11-hour flight to deliver the pants personally because UPS and FedEx said they could not help.
[Fashion fact 5] The cowardly lion costume in the Wizard of Oz was made of real lion fur, skin, and human hair. It recently sold at an auction for $3 million.
[Fashion fact 6] It was illegal for women of Paris to wear pants, till February 2013, when France lifted the 200-year-old ban.
[Fashion fact 7] The wristwatch that Angelina Jolie wore in 'Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021)' is an inexpensive Casio MRW-200H-1BVEF, which is available for $20 on Amazon.
[Fashion fact 8] On the first sunny day of the year, women and girls in the Netherlands celebrate “rokjesdag”, which translates to skirts day. That’s the day all girls are suddenly wearing skirts. It is a great and beautiful day according to Dutch writer Martin Bril, who made the word “rokjesdag” popular in the Netherlands.
[Fashion fact 9] In the 16th century Europe, it was considered manly for men to wear elaborate headdresses made of ostrich feathers.
[Fashion fact 10] In the 1940s to 1950s, “bullet bras” became a fashion trend among women. The bras were coned-shape, stiffer, and had pointed ends. It was popularized by Hollywood actresses during those times.
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