[Food fact 1] In 2008, Italy spent $65,000,000 to bail out the Parmesan cheese industry.
[Food fact 2] In March 2019, a fisherman in Florida hooked a swordfish so big that it dragged his boat for 20 miles. He fought for eight hours before he could pull it in. It turned out to be the biggest swordfish ever caught in Florida waters.
[Food fact 3] Bon Jovi has a restaurant (Soul kitchen) that has no price. Guests pay whatever they can or volunteer in exchange for their meal.
[Food fact 4] Cleopatra once had claimed that pickles made her beautiful.
[Food fact 5] In Brazil, pizza toppings include green peas, corn, and hearts of palm.
[Food fact 6] In the 1700s, when tomatoes were introduced to Europe, they were thought to be poisonous because people died after eating them. The real issue was people using pewter plates and the acidity of tomatoes leached lead out of them causing lead poisoning.
[Food fact 7] In 2015, a man named Hiram Jimenez attempted to sue Applebee's after he leaned over a plate of sizzling fajitas to pray and burned his face, neck and arms. A trial judge dismissed the suit, finding Applebee's was not required to warn the man “against a danger that is open and obvious.”
[Food fact 8] In 1183, while sultan Saladin was laying siege to a crusader Castle in modern Jordan, he instructed his catapults to avoid the tower of the newlyweds after receiving food from their feast.
[Food fact 9] Though Madagascar now produces 80% of the world’s vanilla, the vine is native to Mexico. Mayans were the first to cultivate it in the jungles of the Yucatan peninsula. They flavored their chocolate drink with vanilla.
[Food fact 10] In Alaska, people report roadkill to authorities, who butcher it and give to the needy.
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