[Pizza fact 1] In Scotland, favorite pizza toppings include sheep heart, liver, and lungs, which are minced with oatmeal, onion, suet, spices, and stock. It is known to have a rather nutty texture.
[Pizza fact 2] Pizza Hut briefly considered engraving the company's logo on the moon with lasers. They abandoned the idea when astronomers told them that the image would need to be the size of Texas to be seen from Earth.
[Pizza fact 3] Domino's delivers the most pizzas in the world, at over a million pizzas per day.
[Pizza fact 4] The five most popular pizza days are Super Bowl Sunday, New Year’s Eve, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, New Year’s Day, and Halloween.
[Pizza fact 5] In Sweden, pizza is often topped with bananas and curry powder.
[Pizza fact 6] In the United States alone, Domino's pizza delivery drivers cover over 10 million miles (16 million km)each week.
[Pizza fact 7] Death row inmate Philip Workman requested that his final meal, vegetarian pizzas, be delivered to any homeless person near the maximum security institution. When prison officials refused, a woman and her friends paid over $1,200 to fulfill his request.
[Pizza fact 8] Americans eat approximately 250 million pounds of pepperoni a year.
[Pizza fact 9] The most popular pizza topping in the United States is pepperoni, followed by mushrooms, sausage, ham, and green peppers.
[Pizza fact 10] The word "pizza" means "pie" in Italian.
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