[Plants fact 1] The oleander is the official flower of the city of Hiroshima because it was the first to bloom again after the explosion of the atomic bomb in 1945.
[Plants fact 2] A study showed that plants have the potential to store memory. A plant species that would close up when touched was repeatedly dropped. At first, the plants closed on every drop but over time remained open because the drops did not harm them. They retained this memory even a month later.
[Plants fact 3] Cinnamon can prevent mold growth. Scientists have created cinnamon-based packaging that can prevent mold in bread and in other baked goods.
[Plants fact 4] An explorer once found a compound named calanolide A, in certain trees in Malaysian rainforest. Researchers then found out that it had anti-HIV properties. Unfortunately for them they couldn’t find another sample for nine years as almost all the trees of that species had been cut down for firewood and building material.
[Plants fact 5] The flavors of spearmint and caraway are chiral molecules. They have the exact same molecular composition, but their orientation (left or right) makes them taste and smell different from one another.
[Plants fact 6] There is a fern that has such a high level of atmospheric carbon sequestration that it caused an ice age. Azolla captures 6 tons of atmospheric carbon per acre per year and could reduce global CO2 levels while providing high protein livestock feed, or nitrogen-rich fertilizer.
[Plants fact 7] The difference between herbs and spices: herbs come from the leaf of a plant, while spices come from other parts such as roots, bark, and seeds. So cilantro is an herb (coriander leaf) while coriander is a spice (coriander seed).
[Plants fact 8] There is an indoor vegetable factory in Japan that produces up to 10,000 heads of lettuce per day and uses just 1% of the amount of water needed for outdoor fields.
[Plants fact 9] After a tornado in 1998, 1000+ trees were toppled at The Hermitage, a plantation built by President Andrew Jackson. Using wood from the fallen trees, the Gibson Guitar Corporation produced 200 limited edition "Old Hickory" guitars.
[Plants fact 10] Trees in forests have an underground communication and interaction system driven by fungal networks. “Mother trees” pass on information for best growth patterns and can divert nutrients to trees in need, and they are more likely to pass them on to trees of their own species.
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