Random French Sentence Generator

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  • Random sentence 1

    26 Règlement (CE) nº 690/2001 de la Commission, du 3 avril 2001, relatif à des mesures spéciales de soutien dans le secteur de la viande bovine (JO L 95, p. 8).

      English translation: 26 Commission Regulation (EC) No 690/2001 of 3 April 2001 on special market support measures in the beef sector (OJ 2001 L 95, p. 8).

  • Random sentence 2

    Recommandation 2011/217/UE de la Commission du 29 mars 2011 relative à l'autorisation de mise en service de sous-systèmes de nature structurelle et de véhicules conformément à la directive 2008/57/CE du Parlement européen et du Conseil (JO L 95 du 8.4.2011, p. 1).

      English translation: Commission Recommendation 2011/217/EU of 29 March 2011 on the authorisation for the placing in service of structural subsystems and vehicles under Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 95, 8.4.2011, p. 1).

  • Random sentence 3

    vu le plan d'action communautaire pour la lutte contre le cancer JO L 95 du 16.04.1996.,

      English translation: having regard to the Community action plan against cancer, OJ L 95, 16.04.1996.

  • Random sentence 4

    ccord entre les Communautés européennes et le gouvernement ¥2des États-Unis d'Amérique concernant l'application de leursA règles de concurrence (JO L 95 du 27.4.1995; rectificatif publié au JO L 131 du 15.6.1995).

      English translation: On 23 July, Commissioner 1 Agreement between the European Communities and the Government of the United States regarding the application of their competition laws (OJ L 95, 27.4.1995, as corrected by OJ L 131, 15.6.1995).

  • Random sentence 5

    Conformément à la directive 93/13/CEE concernant les clauses abusives dans les contrats conclus avec les consommateurs JO L 95 du 21.4.1993., les associations de défense des consommateurs peuvent contester des clauses contractuelles abusives devant les juridictions nationales.

      English translation: According to Directive 93/13/EEC on unfair terms in consumer contracts OJ L 95, 21.4.1993., consumer protection associations may challenge unfair contractual terms before national courts.

  • Random sentence 6

    Le Conseil des ministres ACP-CE approuve certaines modifications de ces règlements rendues nécessaires par l'adhésion de nouveaux États membres de l'Union européenne à l'accord de Cotonou. [JO L 95 du 14.4.2005] Retour en haut

      English translation: The ACP-EC Council of Ministers approved certain changes to these regulations made necessary by the accession of the new EU Member States to the Cotonou Agreement. [OJ L 95, 14.4.2005] Top

  • Random sentence 7

    location a l année 95 millions IDR.

      English translation: rental per year 95 million IDR.

New Random French Sentence Generator

About Random French Sentence Generator

This is a very powerful random sentence generator, we have collected more than 6.5 million sentences, including English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Russian. Among them, there are more than 1.7 million sentences in English, 1.2 million sentences in Spain and hundreds of thousands in other languages. You can generate sentences from specific words.

On the current page, you generate French sentences. By default, this page generates 6 French sentences. You can use the generator on the top of the Internet to generate sentences containing specific words (phrases). Each generated sentence is attached with an English translation. You can hide the English translation of all sentences or hide the English translation of the current sentence.

This random sentence generator can be used as a learning tool. When you forget how to use a certain word, you only need to enter the word and generate some sentences to know how the word is used in different scenarios. Sometimes, when you don't know how to write around a word, you can get some inspiration by using this sentence generator to generate some sentences, so this tool can also be used as a source of inspiration.

Our sentences are derived from some random articles on the Internet, some are from some papers, and some are from some news and stories, so you can see that some sentences are funny and some are even weird.

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