People Facts Generator

  • [People fact 1] Wanda Stopa became Chicago’s youngest and first woman assistant U.S. district attorney. Her career was cut short when she tried to shoot her lover's wife but accidentally shot and killed a 65-year old gardener.


  • [People fact 2] Apple stores each sell an average of $93,150 worth of products every day, which is equivalent to $3,900 an hour or $65 a minute every day of the year.


  • [People fact 3] Carl King, with no prior background in law, took it upon himself to prove his friend was innocent after being jailed for 21 years. The jury convicted Colin Warner on charges of second-degree murder based solely on the eyewitness testimony from a 14-year-old boy who admitted to lying on the stand.


  • [People fact 4] Charon’s northern hemisphere has more crater marks than the south, which suggests the northern terrain is older. The south seems to have been subjected to some kind of resurfacing process that erased or buried older craters. Scientists are unsure what causes the resurfacing process.


  • [People fact 5] Earth orbits the Sun in one year. Jupiter takes almost 12 years to orbit the Sun one time.


  • [People fact 6] Marxist Jean Baudrillard claimed quilts and other antique traditions were prime examples of the 20th century's desire for a "bygone" era, a nod to why humans seem to prefer the old over the new.


  • [People fact 7] In 1985, Edward Johnson programmed his computer to call Jerry Falwell's (American Pastor) toll-free number every 30 seconds and then hang up. In total, he charged over $500,000 in phone bills to Falwell's organization.


  • [People fact 8] The center of Jupiter is nearly 72,000 degrees Fahrenheit (40,000 degrees Celsius), which is hotter than the Sun's surface.


  • [People fact 9] An Indian flight attendant named Neerja Bhanot was aboard the Pan Am Flight 73, which was hijacked by terrorists during a stopover in Karachi, Pakistan in 1986. She hid the passports of American passengers on board the flight to save them from the hijackers. She died while shielding three children from a hail of bullets.


  • [People fact 10] Saddam Hussein had a daughter named Hala of whom no photographs or records exist, and that her current whereabouts are unknown.


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