Countries Facts Generator

  • [Countries fact 1] During the Tinku festival which is celebrated in Bolivia women form circles and begin chanting while the men proceed to fight each other until blood is shed. The blood is considered a sacrifice for Pachamama (Mother Nature). Rarely even women join the fighting.


  • [Countries fact 2] Some schools in China now have uniforms with tracking devices in them. This is done to monitor student attendance. If students try to leave during school hours, an alarm will go off.


  • [Countries fact 3] The United States invaded Canada in 1812. Former President Thomas Jefferson predicted that the "acquisition of Canada (..) will be a mere matter of marching". However, it went terribly. After a few months, the entire Michigan territory had fallen.


  • [Countries fact 4] The Black Rat is a martial expert real-life superhero who operates in Sydney. His first goal is to get street lighting fixed on Campbell St, St Peters, and he plans to organize a residents' petition.


  • [Countries fact 5] In 2014, after North Korea banned Choco pies, South Korea airlifted 10,000 of them across the DMZ with balloons.


  • [Countries fact 6] Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari was once the fattest man on Earth at 610 kg (1,340 lb). In 2013, Saudi King Abdullah ordered Khalid to come to the country's capital, Riyadh, to undergo a series of dietary and physical programs in order to help him lose weight. By 2017 after only 4 years he had successfully lost 542 kg (1,195 lb) and reached a healthy weight of 68 kg (150 lb). It was the biggest weight loss ever recorded


  • [Countries fact 7] In Japanese mythology, the Unicorn is a fierce creature who is able to root out criminals and instantly punish them by piercing them through the heart with its horn.


  • [Countries fact 8] When babies are born in Thailand, it is common for people to say the baby is ugly. There is a superstition that attractive babies will be taken by evil spirits. It is impolite to say positive things about the baby.


  • [Countries fact 9] As a man, you can be arrested in Iran for wearing shorts.


  • [Countries fact 10] An $80 worth of coca leaves, from a Colombian peasant, can sell for $800 as coca paste, $2,147 as pure cocaine in Colombian ports, $34,000 just over the US border, and $120,000 on the streets of New York.


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