President Facts Generator

  • [President fact 1] The United States invaded Canada in 1812. Former President Thomas Jefferson predicted that the "acquisition of Canada (..) will be a mere matter of marching". However, it went terribly. After a few months, the entire Michigan territory had fallen.


  • [President fact 2] President Ronald Reagan revealed he wore a hearing aid in 1983, leading to greater acceptance and increased sales of the devices among seniors. At the age of 72, he said that his hearing loss dated to his early Hollywood days when a .38-caliber blank was fired close to his right ear on a film set.


  • [President fact 3] While attending a forum in Manila in 1996, Bill Clinton had his motorcade rerouted in order to avoid crossing a bridge that had been rigged with explosives, a plot masterminded by Osama Bin Laden.


  • [President fact 4] While his opponent (William Jennings Bryan) traveled all over the country campaigning, William McKinley won both the 1896 and 1900 presidential elections by staying at his home in Canton, Ohio and giving speeches off his front porch to whoever showed up to listen.


  • [President fact 5] JFK took numerous medications during his time in office prescribed by a doctor nicknamed "Dr. Feelgood" (Max Jacobson). He was forced to stop administering Kennedy drugs by White House officials, and JFK's leadership notably improved, leading to successes such as the Cuban Missile Crisis.


  • [President fact 6] In 1961, a little girl named Michelle Rochon wrote a letter to John F. Kennedy asking if Santa Claus was okay during the Soviet's nuclear testing at the North Pole. Kennedy wrote back to her saying that he spoke with Santa and that he's okay.


  • [President fact 7] Thomas Jefferson would rather have lived in a cabin with friends and family eating bacon than been president.


  • [President fact 8] Robert Downey Jr. made a documentary "The Last Party" in 1993 where he interviews, among others, Bill Clinton.


  • [President fact 9] George Washington had the public support to become king of America, gave up the power to congress, and was called the greatest man in the world by King George III for doing so.


  • [President fact 10] Theodore Roosevelt openly despised the nickname "Teddy", and was quick to correct anyone who called him it. He preferred those working closely with him to refer to him as Colonel or Theodore.


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