Choose from over 100,000 color combinations
Scheme 1 #264B55
rgb(38, 75, 85)#6C8C78
rgb(108, 140, 120)#C1A852
rgb(193, 168, 82)#F3E7C5
rgb(243, 231, 197)#F39393
rgb(243, 147, 147)Scheme 2 #57090D
rgb(87, 9, 13)#D72442
rgb(215, 36, 66)#FCEBED
rgb(252, 235, 237)#967D62
rgb(150, 125, 98)#1D3531
rgb(29, 53, 49)Scheme 3 #A54A1F
rgb(165, 74, 31)#538481
rgb(83, 132, 129)#A7CFB9
rgb(167, 207, 185)#EDEAE5
rgb(237, 234, 229)#DCAF72
rgb(220, 175, 114)Scheme 4 #302931
rgb(48, 41, 49)#37ACBE
rgb(55, 172, 190)#93A9B7
rgb(147, 169, 183)#39B9C1
rgb(57, 185, 193)#F1E2CC
rgb(241, 226, 204)Scheme 5 #F96A6C
rgb(249, 106, 108)#D6C391
rgb(214, 195, 145)#B68969
rgb(182, 137, 105)#C8373B
rgb(200, 55, 59)#7C3A45
rgb(124, 58, 69)Scheme 6 #3F6E78
rgb(63, 110, 120)#3BB9A0
rgb(59, 185, 160)#C8D277
rgb(200, 210, 119)#E1A152
rgb(225, 161, 82)#FD0E86
rgb(253, 14, 134)
New Color Combination Generator
About Color Combination Generator
Everywhere in life, color combination is used. Color combination has become a discipline, because color combination is too important. Our understanding of a physical object begins with color and shape, and the color conveys a lot of information, such as red. Usually represents fiery, purple represents temptation and so on.
The right color combination can convey pleasant information, and the wrong color combination will cause negative emotions, so color combination is getting more and more attention in various industries. We've collected over 100,000 proven color combinations, each with a mix of 5 colors, which together make your product more engaging, resulting in more traffic and sales.