Rack your brains
Meaning: To rack one's brains is to strain mentally to recall or to understand something.
Take the gilt off the gingerbread
Meaning: Remove an item's most attractive qualities.
Damp squib
Meaning: Something that fails ignominiously to satisfy expectations; an anti-climax, a disappointment.
Never-never land
Meaning: A utopian dreamland.
Country bumpkin
Meaning: An awkward, unsophisticated rustic; a clown
Champ at the bit
Meaning: Be restless and impatient to commence; especially during an unwelcome delay.
What part of no don't you understand?
Meaning: I am plainly saying no, and I mean just that.
Why does bread always fall buttered side down?
Meaning: An expression of a pessimistic view of life.
Meaning: A group of disreputable people of low social position; the dregs of society.
The darkest hour is just before the dawn
Meaning: There is hope, even in the worst of circumstances.
About Phrase Generator
Phrase, also known as proverbs, proverbs, idioms, statements by our ancestors or celebrities based on life experiences, or a summary of things, usually express an interesting fact that is widely spread and often used by people. We have collected more than 2,000 phrases, which are frequently used. Each phrase has a corresponding meaning, which can help you learn idiom knowledge and help you review phrase knowledge.
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