Bulgaria Postal Code Geneartor
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Popular countries: United States | United Kingdom | Canada | Australia
Postal code 1
Country: Bulgaria
City: Равнище/Ravnishte
Region 3: Правец/Pravets,Region 2/County: София/Sofia
State/Province/Region: Югозападен регион/South-West
Postal code 2
Country: Bulgaria
City: Врабево/Vrabevo
Region 3: Троян/Troyan,Region 2/County: Ловеч/Lovech
State/Province/Region: Северен централен регион/North-Central
Postal code 3
Country: Bulgaria
City: Младово/Mladovo
Region 3: Сливен/Sliven,Region 2/County: Сливен/Sliven
State/Province/Region: Югоизточен регион/South-East
Postal code 4
Country: Bulgaria
City: Гледачево/Gledachevo
Region 3: Раднево/Radnevo,Region 2/County: Стара Загора/Stara Zagora
State/Province/Region: Южен централен регион/South-Central
Postal code 5
Country: Bulgaria
City: Тлачене/Tlachene
Region 3: Бяла Слатина/Byala Slatina,Region 2/County: Враца/Vratsa
State/Province/Region: Северозападен регион/North-West
Postal code 6
Country: Bulgaria
City: Керека/Kereka
Region 3: Дряново/Dryanovo,Region 2/County: Габрово/Gabrovo
State/Province/Region: Северен централен регион/North-Central
Postal code 7
Country: Bulgaria
City: Дрянковец/Dryankovets
Region 3: Айтос/Aytos,Region 2/County: Бургас/Burgas
State/Province/Region: Югоизточен регион/South-East
Postal code 8
Country: Bulgaria
City: Пчелно/Pchelno
Region 3: Антоново/Antonovo,Region 2/County: Търговище/Turgovishhe
State/Province/Region: Североизточен регион/North-East
Postal code 9
Country: Bulgaria
City: Замфир/Zamfir
Region 3: Лом/Lom,Region 2/County: Монтана/Montana
State/Province/Region: Северозападен регион/North-West
Postal code 10
Country: Bulgaria
City: Солища/Solishta
Region 3: Смолян/Smolyan,Region 2/County: Смолян/Smoljan
State/Province/Region: Южен централен регион/South-Central
Postal code 11
Country: Bulgaria
City: Гранитец/Granitets
Region 3: Средец/Sredets,Region 2/County: Бургас/Burgas
State/Province/Region: Югоизточен регион/South-East
Postal code 12
Country: Bulgaria
City: Омарчево/Omarchevo
Region 3: Каолиново/Kaolinovo,Region 2/County: Шумен/Shumen
State/Province/Region: Североизточен регион/North-East
New Bulgaria Postal Code Geneartor
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