Germany Postal Code Geneartor

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  • Postal code 1


    Country: Germany

    City: Petersaurach

    Region 4: Petersaurach,Region 3: Ansbach,Region 2/County: Mittelfranken

    State/Province/Region: Bayern

  • Postal code 2


    Country: Germany

    City: Taufkirchen (Vils)

    Region 3: Erding,Region 2/County: Oberbayern

    State/Province/Region: Bayern

  • Postal code 3


    Country: Germany

    City: Berlin

    Region 3: Berlin,

    State/Province/Region: Berlin

  • Postal code 4


    Country: Germany

    City: Sülzfeld

    Region 4: Meiningen,Region 3: Schmalkalden-Meiningen,

    State/Province/Region: Thüringen

  • Postal code 5


    Country: Germany

    City: Kempten (Allgäu)

    Region 4: Kempten (Allgäu),Region 3: Kempten,Region 2/County: Schwaben

    State/Province/Region: Bayern

  • Postal code 6


    Country: Germany

    City: Zeil am Main

    Region 4: Zeil am Main,Region 3: Haßberge,Region 2/County: Unterfranken

    State/Province/Region: Bayern

  • Postal code 7


    Country: Germany

    City: Kötschlitz

    Region 4: Leuna-Kötzschau,Region 3: Saalekreis,

    State/Province/Region: Sachsen-Anhalt

  • Postal code 8


    Country: Germany

    City: Berlin

    Region 3: Berlin,

    State/Province/Region: Berlin

  • Postal code 9


    Country: Germany

    City: Münk

    Region 3: Mayen-Koblenz,Region 2/County: Koblenz

    State/Province/Region: Rheinland-Pfalz

  • Postal code 10


    Country: Germany

    City: Gera

    Region 4: Gera,Region 3: Gera,

    State/Province/Region: Thüringen

  • Postal code 11


    Country: Germany

    City: Essen

    Region 3: Essen,Region 2/County: Düsseldorf

    State/Province/Region: Nordrhein-Westfalen

  • Postal code 12


    Country: Germany

    City: Mühlenfließ

    Region 4: Niemegk,Region 3: Potsdam-Mittelmark,

    State/Province/Region: Brandenburg

New Germany Postal Code Geneartor

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About Germany Postal Code Geneartor

As you can see, this page defaults to displaying random postal codes/postcodes from Germany. We have collected all currently used postal codes/postcodes in Germany, and this tool can help you quickly obtain the postal codes/postcodes available in Germany. You can also search for city/town names to obtain postal codes/postcodes.

In addition to the postal codes/postcodes available in Germany, we also list the postal codes of major countries around the world, which can help you quickly obtain the postal codes/postcodes of any city in the world.

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