Random Korean Sentence Generator

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  • Random sentence 1

    이것은 그 사실들을 너무나 지나치게 단순화한 것이다.

      English translation: This is a gross oversimplification of the facts.

  • Random sentence 2

    복잡한 수적 자료의 단순화는 그래프로 보여질 수 있다.

      English translation: The simplification of complex numeric data can be shown as a graph.

  • Random sentence 3

    저는 BBC가 지나친 단순주의자의 태도로 너무나 얄팍한 로원 윌리암스의 논평을 잘못 전달했다고 하는 매체 해설자들의 의견에 전적으로 동의합니다.

      English translation: I quite agree with commentators who say that the BBC has misrepresented Rowan Williams' comments in the most shallow, reductionist way.

  • Random sentence 4

    국무장관이 과거에 주장한 바와 같이, 단순 다수결주의로의 복귀는 불가능하다.

      English translation: As the Secretary of State has asserted in the past, there can be no return to simple majoritarian rule.

  • Random sentence 5

    이것은 맹목적 애국주의가 아니라 단순한 상식에 불과하다.

      English translation: This is not about jingoism just plain common sense.

  • Random sentence 6

    헤르페스 공포증 때문에 키스를 안 해 봤다.

      English translation: I've never kissed because of my herpephobia.

  • Random sentence 7

    헤르페스는 몸 밖에서 짧은 시간 동안 살 수 있다.

      English translation: Herpes can live for short periods of time outside the body.

New Random Korean Sentence Generator

About Random Korean Sentence Generator

This is a very powerful random sentence generator, we have collected more than 6.5 million sentences, including English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Russian. Among them, there are more than 1.7 million sentences in English, 1.2 million sentences in Spain and hundreds of thousands in other languages. You can generate sentences from specific words.

On the current page, you generate Korean sentences. By default, this page generates 6 Korean sentences. You can use the generator on the top of the Internet to generate sentences containing specific words (phrases). Each generated sentence is attached with an English translation. You can hide the English translation of all sentences or hide the English translation of the current sentence.

This random sentence generator can be used as a learning tool. When you forget how to use a certain word, you only need to enter the word and generate some sentences to know how the word is used in different scenarios. Sometimes, when you don't know how to write around a word, you can get some inspiration by using this sentence generator to generate some sentences, so this tool can also be used as a source of inspiration.

Our sentences are derived from some random articles on the Internet, some are from some papers, and some are from some news and stories, so you can see that some sentences are funny and some are even weird.

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