Beverages Facts Generator

  • [Beverages fact 1] Tea used to be consumed only as medicine in England, but when people saw the Portuguese queen drinking tea regularly, it became popular there too.


  • [Beverages fact 2] The 1945 Food and Nutrition Board Paper’s often quoted statement “humans require roughly 2.5 liters (8 glasses) per day” is only half of the full statement. The other half was “we get most of the fluid we need from food and other beverages.”


  • [Beverages fact 3] At the Wife Carrying World Championships in Finland, first prize is the wife's weight in beer.


  • [Beverages fact 4] An urban legend claimed Zima was not detectable by a breathalyzer, boosting its popularity among the young and gullible.


  • [Beverages fact 5] After Winston Churchill was knocked down by a car in New York in 1931, his doctor issued a medical note that Churchill’s convalescence “necessitates the use of alcoholic spirits, especially at mealtimes,” specifying 250 cc's (8 oz) per day as the minimum.


  • [Beverages fact 6] In 2012, the advertising campaign for a UK energy drink called "Pussy" was banned as sexually explicit and offensive. Pussy energy drink ad slogan was: "The drink's pure, it's your mind that's the problem."


  • [Beverages fact 7] When a male fruit fly is sexually rejected by a female fruit fly, it will seek out more alcohol than those that have successfully mated.


  • [Beverages fact 8] If you get a zebrafish drunk, it convinces the other sober fish to follow it around.


  • [Beverages fact 9] A Florida-based beer company named Saltwater Brewery created fully edible 6-pack rings from brewing byproducts such as wheat and barley. The rings are just as strong as the plastic variety, yet completely digestible and biodegradable.


  • [Beverages fact 10] During prohibition, grape farmers would make semi-solid grape concentrates called wine bricks, which were then sold with the warning "After dissolving the brick in a gallon of water, do not place the liquid in a jug away in the cupboard for twenty days, because then it would turn into wine."


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